
Hive AI

Media Search API

Media Search API

Identify when copies and variants of content from thousands of movies and TV shows are being used.
Comprehensive searches, actionable results

Comprehensive searches, actionable results

Our deep learning model automates human-like perceptual comparisons to catch reposts of everything from movies to live broadcasts regardless of changes in resolution or formatting.


Input : Query video (.mp4, .webm, .avi, .flv, .mkv, .mpg,
.wmv, .mov)


Response : Type of media (show, movie, broadcast, etc), Query timestamp, Matching timestamp, Similarity score (on a scale of 0 to 1), Season and episode numbers (if applicable)

How customers use our Media Search API

Why choose our Media Search API

Why choose our Media Search API

Proactive updates

Proactive updates

Media Search is regularly upgraded to improve performance, add commonly requested titles, and keep up with evolving customer needs.
Speed at scale

Speed at scale

We handle high volume with ease and efficiency, serving real-time responses to billions of API calls per month.
Simple integration

Simple integration

Model predictions are accessible with a single API call. Build Media Search into any application with just a few lines of code.

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