
Hive AI

Demographic API

Demographic API

Identify key demographic attributes of subjects in videos and images
Comprehensive coverage for diverse use cases

Comprehensive coverage for diverse use cases

Our deep learning model infers gender, age category, exact age, and more.

Input formats
Gender classifications
Age classifications
Exact age

How customers use our Demographic API

Why choose our Demographic API

Why choose our Demographic API

Adaptable to any application

Adaptable to any application

Pick and choose relevant results across key demographic characteristics to tailor our model coverage to specific needs and use cases.
Refined for social

Refined for social

Our model is trained and tested on photo formats particular to social media & dating apps, including group photos, composites, and overlay filters.
Proactive updates

Proactive updates

Our demographic model is regularly upgraded to improve performance, add commonly requested features, and keep up with evolving customer needs.

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