Hive AI
Comprehensive searches, actionable results
Comprehensive searches, actionable results
Our deep learning models automate human-like
perceptual comparisons to identify both exact copies and manipulated variants.Our deep learning models automate human-like perceptual comparisons to identify both exact copies and manipulated variants.
Inputs : query image (.jpg, .png, .webp, .gif)
Response : Links to matching images
Backlinks to relevant web pages
Similarity scores for all matches
How customers use our Web Search API
How customers use our Web Search API
Trademark enforcement
Brands monitor open web pages for unauthorized use of their logos
and trademarks.Brands monitor open web pages for unauthorized use of their logos and trademarks.
Image authentication
Content and social platforms identify reuse of open web images to catch scams, plagiarism, and fake accounts.
Paywall enforcement
Content providers and streaming sites ensure that paid content is not reposted to other sites.
Why choose our Web Search API
Why choose our Web Search API
Speed at scale
We handle high volume with ease and efficiency, serving real-time responses to billions of API calls per month.
Actionable results
Our API response provides precise intel on where and how matching content is being used to inform action.
Simple integration
Model predictions are accessible with a single API call. Build our Web Search API into any application with just a few lines of code.
Speed at scale
We handle high volume with ease and efficiency, serving real-time responses to billions of API calls per month.
Actionable results
Our API response provides precise intel on where and how matching content is being used to inform action.
Simple integration
Model predictions are accessible with a single API call. Build our Web Search API into any application with just a few lines of code.